Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chapter I - Summary

The novel begins with entering a building with the words "Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre". We are then thrown into the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning's tour with several students in tow. This tour describes how Huxley's futuristic world works - babies are procreated in tubes from extracted female and male gametes that are constantly examined for abnormalities. These bottle fetuses are divided into five categories - Alpha (one of the highest forms of society), Beta, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons (the lowest form of society). These classes also The Alphas and Betas remain in the bottles with the rest undergo "Bokanovsky's Process". This process multiplies the babies into identical twins when examined for growth, with the usage of Podsnap's Technique (which greatly accelerates ripening time).

The students learn about the long metres (over 900) from a very enthusiastic and statistic loving Henry Foster who continues with the tour. These slow moving tracks are on which the fetuses grow and are injected with different strategic doses of random items for medical stability, such as hog's stomach extract and foetal foal's liver to fight against anaemia.

Around metre 200, the fetuses are tested for sex/gender. There are 'freemartins' which are normal but sterile beings that have a slight tendency to grow beards.

At the end of the chapter, we are left with the Director regaining the tour of the facility.

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