Thursday, April 8, 2010

About Brave New World

Brave New World is about a futuristic society where there is no disease, no war, no uncleanliness, no unhappiness...
It is the 'ideal' society.
Babies are born in bottle, there are no books about history or irrelevant knowledge, there is soma that provides everyone with an instant euphoria without any side effects, and everyone belongs to everyone.

Children are conditioned at a young age to take part in erotic play and taught through "sleep-teaching" or hypnopaedia about rank in society.

The society has Alpha (one of the highest forms of society), Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon (the lowest form of society). You can be a "plus" or a "minus". What you wear and what work you take part in depends all on rank.

When a 'savage' enters their society, he is appalled. The Savage was brought up in a tribe and was brought up in a split between the ideas of the 'ideal' society and the ideas of the tribe. The Savage, or John, learned to read books, such as Shakespeare, that are forbidden by the society as they are 'old' and 'unnecessary' for efficient work.

This book reveals the lives of Lenina, the poster girl of this ideal society, John the Savage who believes in letting the world be dirty and imperfect, and Bernard who has a feeling of discontent with his life.
As all their lives connect, the story unfolds...

"Oh brave new world, that has such people in't!"
- Shakespeare's THE TEMPEST

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