Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Welcome to the brave new world

Welcome to my blog!

You've probably come across this blog and wondered, "Hmm, brave new world!? What is this?"
Well, I'll tell you!

First off, the reason I am doing this blog is for my grade twelve Language Arts class for an independent novel study. Which brings us to the whole wondering about 'brave new world'...

The novel I am independently studying is Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. This book is about a futuristic society that appears to be better in every single way, but not to all.

On this blog, I will analyze and summarize the different chapters, point out some literary devices, help analyze some important quotations that will help you understand and think of different ideas, and provide you with hopefully some decent humour - however I am quite lame so I apologize if any humour I provide makes you groan...

Anyways, please enjoy my blog and I hope my opinions and analyzing provides you with some information and creative/mind-stimulating ideas!

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