The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning brought the tour of students to a large bare room with lots of sunlight coming through the windows. There were bowls full of rose blossoms on the floor that were "pale as death, pale with post humous whiteness of marble". There were also books with fun shapes and colours set out among the bowls of flower blossoms.
The Director told the nurses setting up the place to let the children out, and a Bokanovsky Group of 8 month old Deltas were released into the room. The Deltas were instantly drawn to the colourful and inspiring books and flowers and began to crawl towards them, but suddenly an alarm went off and the children had faces distorted with terror. A shock then ran through the floor and the babies started to yelp with desperation.
The Director explained to the students that they were conditioning the children at a young age to not be influenced by flowers and books - as they were not known to be efficient for work. He continued to explain that they would do about 200 repetitions in order to condition the children thorougly. Only Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons, the lower-caste people, are conditioned not to love nature due to the fact it did not keep factories busy, even if it did allow them to want to consume transport. They found a new way to keep these ranks wanting to consume transport without loving nature - they would hate the country but love country sports.
The Director goes on to talk about how the world used to be - with mothers, fathers, and family. Now they are obscene words and make people blush and look away. He talks about such a world because he goes on to explain hypnopaedia which is a sleep-teaching tool that uses words while children are sleeping to teach them about certrain things. Scientists found out about this technique when there used to be children brought up by mothers and fathers. It was only useful to a certain extent though. For example, you cannot teach a science to a sleeping child unless they know what it is already. The children undergo Elementary Class Consciousness three times a week for 30 months.
As the Director becomes more excited with the idea of hypnopaedia, he accidentally wakes the children from their sleep-teaching.
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